Our Course Participants Pass Admission Exams Weeks after the Crash Course

5. May 2015

The last Crash Course is already over for a bit – the next is just about to start – but nevertheless, great news are reaching us again and again! All of our course participants have passed the admission exams for the University of Zagreb, the Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, for the faculty of medicine of the Charles University in Hradec Kralove and for the University of Debrecen, last weekend in Madrid.

We are really glad, that the course has helped the future students to get so many different acceptances at different universities. The exam outcomes were excellent again and we are actually a little proud, that our Crash Course Natural Sciences has helped significantly to reach this goal.

Keep up the good work in the upcoming exams! In the meantime, we are simmering with excitement for the next Crash Course and the new participants.

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